Monday, July 02, 2007

Missional Living....Trying to Figure It Out

This past Sunday we started a series on Sunday mornings focused on missional living.  It is another step in a long process of creating a missional culture.  An ethos that is warm and encouraging, but also empowers and propels people to be transforming agents in their world.  Helping people make the transition from an "attractional" model to a "missional" model is humbling, especially in suburbia.

As I was reflecting on our kickoff yesterday and ideas for the next couple of weeks I began to ponder the relationship between mission, sanctification, and story.  I sense they are symbiotically connected, but find them to be disconnected in the church at large.  Without the concept of mission, sanctification can become nothing more than glorified narcissism.  Without sanctification, mission can become another cause that has no impact on our lives.  Both of these without story is more noise in an already deafening life.  Another set of "to dos" that squelches our longing for transcendence. marry these three together, to see them actually fuel each other rather than be at odds, is transformational.  Integration of these tree "strands" would make a powerful "cord" that would rescue us from the mundane and trivial and call us up to impact our world, actually make a difference.  Not a bad way to spend a life.