Monday, January 22, 2007

Jumbled but Hopeful

It's always humbling to admit the resistance you meet after you've set a course for life. I started this year with a simple plan for 2007 consisting of three words...dedication, discipline, & discernment. Each serving as a star in a constellation that guides not only myself, but my family and ministry as well.

So far there's been more distraction, deviation, & doubt than dedication, discipline, & discernment. I easily forget that setting the course is one thing...sticking to it is a whole different ball game. Yet today a whole new week lies open before me, each day with grace sufficient to see me through. God's good that way, and sometimes you just have to be reminded of that ya know.

The unfolding of your words gives light;
it imparts understanding to the simple.

Psalm 119:130

Hope your week is well "lit".