Sunday, January 28, 2007

Living Into Reality

"In worship we live into the reality that the first and best thing in life is nothing less than a transforming relationship with the God who made us, named us and called us into being."

- Adele Calhoun

Living into reality is difficult; especially when seeking to live missionaly. It demands intention, commitment, and clarity.

What do I mean by “living into reality”? Simply a way of life that views and experiences life as it is defined by God (the creator of reality) versus through the lens of my experience and understanding. Much of what we perceive is simply that…our “perception” that may or may not be accurate. Past hurts, the resulting wounds, and a broken world partner together to lead us down dead end paths overgrown with frustration and defeat. Freedom is seeing as Jesus sees; vision that pulls us into reality (John 18:37) and then sends us as ambassadors of restoration. A world where everything alludes to a greater story and the truth that we play a part.

I’ve identified 8 “illusions” (false beliefs or misrepresentations) that hinder my experience of life’s “allusions” (slivers of glory) to God that are all around me. They are (illusion - allusion):

  • Balance - Harmony
  • Safety - Clarity
  • Religion - Relationship
  • Success - Significance
  • Entitlement - Responsibility
  • Control - Empowerment/Stewardship
  • Objectivity - Perspective
  • Independence - Interdependence

To live in the fullest experience of God’s story, personified in both the life and mission of Christ, illusion must give way to a heightened sensitivity to allusion. It can be said that the most dynamic experience of life is found in “disillusionment”; the tearing down of views of life built on wounds and brokenness that lead to half-truths and misdirection of life’s precious time and energy.

As I’m walking through this I would like to share it here and hear your stories, ideas, and experiences. The ultimate hope and prayer is to move from talking about “missional living” to actually living it!

the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked.

1 John 2:6


Missional Jerry said...

excellent posts

Luke said...

Wow, Ted. Thanks for trying to wake me up a bit and offering a brief glimpse of clarity.