Monday, March 26, 2007

Living Missionaly in Suburbia

Wisdom is gaining insight or knowledge, assimilating that into a new perspective, and then choosing to live from that new perspective. Knowing more isn't the point, living more is. So I find myself on Monday morning longing to apply what I learned on Sunday. I don't know about you, but sometimes things get lost in translation from Sunday to Monday. This morning I read an article that has helped to bring some alignment.

"Two years ago this was how I viewed our suburban world. It was a zoo. It was a prison. I hated this place: the strip malls, the individualism, the consumerism. Certainly, I thought, Christianity is best lived in the city. I figured if I wanted to really serve God and follow the radical call of Christ I would have to move to the city. There I could better live in proximity and community. There, I could do a better job of taking care of the poor and needy at my doorstep. The city was the place where following Jesus would easily be lived out on a daily basis. This is how I thought. But God has a way of shaking things up."

- Todd Heistand, The Gospel & The God Forsaken: The Challenge of the Missional Church in Suburbia

For the full article CLICK HERE. I would like to hear your thoughts...

(HT: Todd Hiestand)


Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the link, i would really enjoy hearing about how these ideas and thoughts can be improved upon in other people's individual contexts...