Tuesday, September 15, 2009

100 Day Journey – Who He Is…

PP000100 Yesterday I began my 100 Day Journey with broad reflection on the five movement “rhythm” of…Who God is, Who I was, What He’s done, Who I am, and Who He is in me.  Each day for the rest of the week I’m sitting with one of the movements to evaluate the current condition and direction of my heart and let God redeem and realign my heart, making “God Only” a deeper reality of my life.

Today’s pause is on “Who He is”.  I have to admit even as I type those words I chuckle.  The infinite size and scope of “Who God is” is humbling; and reckoning how little of my life is guided by the reality of who He is feels shameful.  I carry His name, but do I bear His image?  But see even that question reveals a fatal flaw…it’s not about me!  I start with Him and sit with Him alone.  There will be a time to reflect on the impact of who He is on me, but not now.  Sounds easy, but the praxis of it is less than “natural”.  As I ponder where to even begin I feel drawn to Job 38-42.  As God’s words to Job become His words to me I feel Job’s response become my own…“My ears had heard of you, but now my eyes have seen you.”

So I begin today grateful for new “eyes to see”, and hopeful that transformed seeing will translate into transformed living.