Wednesday, February 28, 2007

First Steps in Living Missionally

I've been thinking a lot lately about "living missionally." I think one of the first steps is acknowledgment that leads to action. Acknowledgement of God, my need for Him, the plight of others, and our role as a bridge between the two. Acknowledgement alone doesn't change anything, next follows the action of realignment of all of life to that reality. This may seem self evident, but I think it is a more elusive truth for followers of Christ in the west than we would like to admit.

The reason I have come to accept acknowledgement as the first step is the lack of acknowledgement in my own life. It is more evident than ever that I am a product of a very "personalized" Gospel. While the greatest joy in my life is my restored relationship with God through Christ, stalling at that idea has handicapped my impact in my world. The message of the Gospel isn't ultimately about me. I am reconciled, redeemed, and restored in order to be an agent of reconciliation, redemption and restoration. So simple, yet so absent in daily life.

As I reflected on this today the thought that kept echoing in my mind was "so where do I begin?" The answer was delivered in the tender eyes of our oldest child, begins at home. That is one think I have found lacking in the "missional conversation", the importance of being missional not just with your family but in your family. So...rather than thinking and writing about it, I'm going to hang out with Avery. Carpe Diem!


Reid said...


Thanks for helping us be intentional. Sometimes the ideas are easier than the follow through.

I have been thinking about some of the same things since a recent study of Daniel 1. You've prompted me to post a rough sketch of my ideas.

Missional Jerry said...

Great stuff

the first step is always the hardest