Monday, April 07, 2008

Dental Theology... I went to the dentist today for a filling.  No matter how you package it, not something you exactly look forward to.  I had a short, but insightful conversation with the dental hygienist about the similarities between dentistry and ministry that has stayed with me.

As a pastor, particularly a pastor trying to live and lead missionally, there was something in this exchanged that moved me.  I honestly believe that God has not only rescued us from Hell, but from living for ourselves (i.e. Hell on earth).  Fundamental to our calling is participation with God in His redemption of His creation for His glory.  Living outside of this gives us "life-cavities", places where excess and self-indulgence causes rot and decay.  It's never fun to find out you have a cavity, but denying you have one is even's stupid!  Decay doesn't fix itself, it has to be cleaned out and replaced.  The dentist's role is to find the decay and replace it before it get to the nerve and does real damage.  There is decay in the church...I find it in myself.  We've forgotten our role as ambassador's for the gospel of peace.  We've been called to participate in the answer, not merely point out there's a problem.  As much as I hate to admit it, there is still a lot of "me" that needs to "decrease so He can increase".  It's painful, but I'm thankful for the grace to see it.

Things must change.  I'm not sure what that means fully, but I'm grateful God does and that His persistence is greater than my resistance.


Bloggin' Robin said...

Excellent insights Ted - I will never think of a cavity in the same way again!

A Team said...

Yay, I won't think of it in the same way either... in face, when they are drilling on my head today at 2:15... I will think of this!
