Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The LORD is holy

Exalt the LORD our God,
   and worship at his holy mountain;
   for the LORD our God is holy!

Psalm 99:9

I read Psalm 99 last night with our kids as we settled in to go to bed.  After they drifted to sleep I continued to ponder the closing verse and realized how easy it is for me to forget this simple truth...God is HOLY!  In a world of bumper stickers and one line cliche's I've lost the eternal significance of this simple three word statement.  I know it on a subconscious level, realize I rarely bring to the surface so that it colors the world around me.  As I've continued to keep this truth at the front of my mind I've found my sense of gratitude growing.  I see the reality that the compliment to "God is holy" is "I am not!"  To realize the gulf that separates our very essence, and the intention and sacrifice God displays in crossing that gulf by filling it with Himself...I'm honestly left speechless.  All that rises is "thank you", then again...maybe that's all He's wanted to hear.